
Saturday, 11 May 2019

Project 'Annie' or 'TIE-DIEing old learning practices'

The common Drama Club of the 5th Lyceum (Senior High School) and the 7th Gymnasium (Junior High School) of Kavala, Greece, participated in an innovative project aiming to motivate students to practice English through alternative and  fresh Applied Drama practices.

For this reason, research has been conducted, whose results are depicted in the blog's pages, along with material used, aiming for similar practices to be exercised and Drama benefits recognized in educational milieus.   


The current dissertation is based on an action research and case study scheme performed in two Greek schools of Secondary Education, namely the 7th Gymnasium and 5th Lyceum of Kavala, with the purpose of investigating how students’ motivation to learn English may be enhanced and linguistic skills practiced through Theater and Drama practices. In this context, the Greek educational context is presented and motivational parameters influencing Foreign Language Learning of adolescents are explained. Special focus is given to motivation through Applied Drama projects in schools and, thus, the practices of Drama in Education (DIE) and Theater in Education (TIE) are theoretically portrayed.
The entire study involves the process of upstaging a musical in the English language, namely the preparatory stage, the rehearsals and the performances, along with an innovative teaching-via-theater scheme, exercised by the stakeholders involved. Hence, a combination of process and product-oriented practices are utilized to achieve maximum results concerning motivation and practice of linguistic skills of the participating students.
The research conducted is grounded on three research questions which examine: i ) the emotions instilled in EFL students during the process, ii) the extent to which the project may influence students’ motivation and language practice and iii) the potential benefits gained. This study is an outcome of methodological triangulation, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative research methods. As such, the educator’s personal log, interviews, videos throughout the process and recorded conversations in social media platforms enabled qualitative extraction of findings, whereas observations from colleagues, and answers to questionnaires provided to the students/actors and the audience of all TIE-DIE phases enriched quantitative analysis of the provided data.
As will be exhibited in the dissertation, language skills concerning learning English have been practiced, students’ motivational stance has been enhanced owing to a plethora of positive emotions experienced in the process and a positive attitude towards Drama practices in an educational context has been developed. However, owing to the fact that this study is only a limited investigation of this crucial topic of research, the researcher fervently suggests that similar inquiries should take place in Greek schools, with the aim of recording further results and potentially incorporating such practices in the school curricula.
 Keywords: Applied Drama, Secondary Education, Motivation in EFL, Emotions